Vitamin B Complex Benefits

Vitamin B Complex Benefits Reviewed

Vitamin B complex benefits include improved memory, healthy skin, hair and eyes. The B vitamins as a group include vitamin B6, vitamin B12, thiamine, riboflavin, folate or folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin and choline. These nutrients serve several important functions in the body as the building block for protein and DNA, as carriers of oxygen through the blood stream and for nervous system development. B complex vitamins also help keep the immune system working properly and people who take these supplements may notice fewer colds and illnesses.

Each vitamin in the vitamin B complex serves a unique and pivotal role in the body. Niacin is part of every cell in a person and absence of this nutrient can lead to redness or itching skin, dermatitis, muscle soreness and lack of appetite. As a whole the vitamin B complex helps the body convert carbohydrates into glucose and helps speed up the body’s metabolism. For this reason vitamin B complex benefits include weight loss in individuals who are trying to lose weight. Additional B complex benefits include less irritability, improved memory and decreased moodiness.

Folate or folic acid is another important vitamin B complex nutrient. Folic acid in combination with vitamin B12 helps form the building blocks for DNA and is pivotal in red blood cell formation. Folate is found in green leafy vegetables, which many people do not eat enough of. Women who are pregnant, nursing, or who are trying to become pregnant should make sure to get enough of this vital nutrient. It serves in the development of a growing fetus and helps in brain and nervous system development in a baby. Neurological and developmental disabilities in children are tied to not getting enough folate during pregnancy.

Vitamin B complex benefits are also noticed in the elderly. Many older people have difficulty absorbing nutrients from food and should take a supplement. Additionally B complex vitamins are essential for brain and nervous system function. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia may be related to a lack of enough vitamin B complex in the body. Elderly people may notice increased memory and retention following taking vitamin B complex supplements.

B complex vitamins are difficult to get entirely through a person’s daily diet. A person’s need for the nutrients also goes up if they drink large amounts of alcohol or caffeine. Certain medications such as sulfa drugs, birth control pills, cholesterol lowering drugs or sleep aids also increase the need for B complex vitamins. Additional signs of Vitamin B complex deficiency is insomnia, which might be better cured by taking a B complex supplement than by adding to the need for the nutrients through sleeping pills.

Most people who take a vitamin B complex notice an increase in energy following supplementation. If the complex is taken orally it cannot be overdosed on, as any excess nutrients will be excreted through the urine. Many people have a deficiency in one or more of this group of nutrients and the risks associated with taking too much of the nutrient are minimal. Any supplementation plan should be discussed with a doctor, but the likelihood of problems is very small.